Monday, November 06, 2006

Recipe for delight: This week’s book selection. Two sweet (and a tiny bit sweaty) boys (or girls!) smooshed on either side of you. A comfy couch, a rainy day. Less than ten minutes of your time before they're off to play again. Stir it all together - and you've got a delightful memory.

The Best Pet of All
By David LaRochelle, Illustrated by Hanako Wakiyama

This is a cute little book about a boy who really wants a dog! But when mother says “No!” to his repeated requests, he asks for a dragon instead. What ensues is a funny little tale that has an “Aha!” ending. My boys thought it was quite clever, running to tell Daddy when he got home about how they figured out what really happened!

I love the 1950’s style illustrations – the retro diner; mom in capri’s, ironing and washing dishes – and I always appreciate books that have pages full of the story, but also fun little normal things going on in the background. (I think about Randi from I Have to Say… when I look at my favorite page – mom ironing a cherry-covered hanky!)

Now my boys’ repeated requests for a dog have been changed to, “Well, then, can we get a dragon?”


2 fellow travelers shared:

Lyn said...

Oh what a wonderful thing to look forward to on Mondays! Love it!

Bethany said...

~Hey Elise.Thanks for the great book ideas!All my dolls like it.Kisten(7)liked it.Samantha(5) liked "Sophie's Masterpiece" more.Emilly(3)said"May I have a dog?":^)
Very funny~

God Bless,

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