Okay, I'm a first-timer! But I've been anxious to share this tip for awhile now - I hope you like it! It's been a life-saver for us... well, not literally, but it sure has made some things easier! (If you have dial-up and would rather not wait for the video to load, I will follow with a written explanation.)
I know I'm not the only mama who likes to peek in at her little ones while they sleep, or sneak in and gather the laundry late at night. But those doorknobs can make so much noise as they latch and unlatch - clicking and squeaking! And we DO have to shut them all the way - tiny, old homes means noises carry. (And tiny apartments!)
So...a scrunchie. Who would have thought it would be good for ANYthing? They don't work in my hair - it's too fine and thin. I have often wondered why I even own any! (Scrunchies, that is.) Then one day, I realized I could place it around the doornobs on the door, creating a figure eight over the latch, and the door would slide open and closed so quietly, without even twisting the door knob!
Now we have two - a red one for Eliana's door, and a black one for the boys. They can come in and out during the night to use the bathroom or get a drink, or just stand beside Daddy and frighten him out of a deep sleep - without even warning us with a click or a squeak!
It works for me. And for more WFMW tips this week, check out Rocks in My Dryer!
Thanks for coming by!
39 fellow travelers shared:
You are SO cute - what a good Mama!
Remember when I used diapers in the door to keep the latch quiet? You are so clever!
Your Mama
what a cute little video! love this tip. thanks and welcome to wfmw...
Elise...you. are. a. GENIUS!
I love this idea! My Cuddlebug, especially, cannot hope to open or close any of the 1/2 dozen doors that she must inexplicably open every morning before I'm awake.
And the line about standing quietly to awaken their Daddy? I *get* that! They do that to me...so funny...eventually.
Brilliant idea! Welcome to WFMW!
Umm, aren't you the CUTEST EVER!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!
I wanted to jump through the screen and hug you!!!
Oh, and I love the tip!
And I am so going to do a video WFMW post some day!!
Way cool, Elise. I love the video. You've probably started a new WFMW trend!
BTW, I didn't on October 4th. Hubby was sick and totally, ummm, not himself! :-(
in the days of cloth diapers, we would wrap a diaper around the doorknob. same principle. anything that allows us to "spy" without being seen or heard is a winner in my book. children need the security of being checked in on without the visual proof.
Great idea! We do have DSL but it's slow so I didn't watch the video. :( Also, the baby might wake up! Welcome to WFMW, this week is only my second time to participate. :)
Welcome to WFMW, Elise!
I'm fairly new too, but I've quickly found this to be a real nice group of people. Great idea to do a video. We're not up to speed yet, but it's #1 on the list when we move soon.
Now why didn't I think of that!? You are so clever...and I just love to stop by your blog. I enjoy the way you write!
That is a very clever idea!! You are blessed to have such thick and glorious hair, you know.
BTW in answer to your question about the angel I need two things from you - your address, which you can email me at maryslonelyheart at yah@@ d0t c0m
and I need your patience I have everything ready to go but I need to package them and that is always something I procrastinate on because I dislike the whole wrapping them up and taking them to the PO so much.
Take care, Melissa
Welcome to WFMW!
Oh you are so cute! I loved the video!
Now that's a smart tip! I'll file that one away...
I love that idea! How clever!
The video was a great touch too. I definitely should start doing the Works for Me Wednesday thing. How cool!
It's so much fun HEARING your voice! :)
Cool tip!
Hello!! I love it!
Ohmygoodness you are so cute! Can I be your friend? ~smile~
And your idea--- super smart! LOVE it. I'm going to dig up my scrunchies and use em. I want to do it on our hallway door, too!
I echo the "you are so cute!" thing...
Loved Kevin's thumbs-up...
It was so fun to watch you in the video. What a great idea. I so wished I had a scrunchie to use today when I wanted to check on my 2 year old who I thought was asleep, but wasn't sure. I'll have to hunt one down. You sure make me smile. Check my blog to find out why.
Mindy :)
You brought a smile to my face. What a darling how-to video!! I have to tell you that this has been one of my biggest problems! My little one is so nosey (she gets it honestly - from yours truly) that she often stirs when I check on her before I go to bed. Scrunchy to the rescue!!!!!
That is such a great idea and I love your video demonstration.... very cool :)
What a great idea, Elise! :)
Our doors have always been creaky, too!
And you are too cute! :) I wish that all of my blogging friends would post videos!
Oh, you are so darling, elise. love that million dollar smile.
and smart too!
you are SOOO cute, elise.... and creative! what a lucky hubby you have! :) a great tip as we have always lived in old, squeaky houses....
Elise, This is such a good idea and this video is so cute. I think's you've helped a lot of people out! Even nannas!!!!!!
AWESOME tip, I can not wait to try this out! We deal with this latching problem every night. You are a genius.
Woo Hoo...
JOYfully in Him,
This is so neat. You are to cute. I'll bet you are a wonderful mom. The video was very good. Thanks and God Bless.
I must admit I watched the video 4 times. I think I miss you guys! It was good to "see" you again!
What a great idea. I loved the thumbs up from your husband.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for praying for us.
I've lurked for weeks and had already decided that you're a kindred spirit. (I have boy-boy-girl and share many of the same interests and tastes.) Now with this post, you've become my best friend. ;)
Thank you so much for sharing this solution. It is going to be a real blessing around here!
aren't you the cutest Elise, I agree, jump through the screen for a hug as said above! And great idea, I'll have to give it a try. I like you am a big time peeker. It's great to see you happy and smiling! Hang on to your joy Elise, we shall prevail!
Love, Sarah
What a great idea, I am going to have to go buy a couple scrunchies for sure!!
We have an old home and I think this could really help us out! Thanks, Elise!
You are so fun to watch on video!
Brilliant. The video *and* the scrunchie!!
But I already *knew* that!! (that you were brilliant, that is.)
Great tip :)
What a genius tip! It was so fun to "meet" you by video also! A scrunchie... who knew? Thanks for sharing!!!
Hey!! Have only just come across this one! I feel like I know you a little better :o)
And what a brilliant tip!! I'll definitely be trying it.
Thanks for posting this, you're very brave to show a video of yourself... I hate anything that shows me speaking or singing :o$
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