Sunday, February 24, 2008

Her Prince Has Already Come

(So I don't forget...)

Soft intake of air as the book falls open to her favorite page. Tiny pink fingertips trace the sparkling blue gown, linger over the glass slippers on a dainty, extended foot.

'Rella, she whispers.

Our eyes meet over her blond ponytail, smiles tugging at the corners of our mouths.

Yes, princess, I answer. That is Cinderella. And she worked very hard and was good and kind even when others weren't, wasn't she?

A quiet nod.

She turns the page, bowing her head again to take in more detail, and another intake of air escapes her lips. She points to the prince and whispers...


And Prince Daddy melts into a giant, gooey puddle right there on his princess's bedroom floor.

(Be sure to listen to the song in my sidebar when you're finished... and keep some tissues handy...)
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