Sunday, November 08, 2009

Children's Book Monday

Fireside Stories was on hold for someone else, so we were not able to renew it from the library this time... then we were in need of a new book to read on our tummies in front of the fireplace, which is sure to be blazing again soon...

Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember
Barbara Rainey

The cd that is included with this book is being played nightly; beautiful instrumental versions of seven hymns of Thanksgiving: Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven, Love Divine, The Doxology... And as we lie on our tummies in overlapping rows so everyone can see the pictures, the stories of and around Thanksgiving unfold in a beautiful way, whispered gently by the author.

The stories, with lovely names such as Small Beginnings, Following God's Perfect Provision, and Lest Anyone Forget, are set in two sizes of type; the larger being for younger children, and the combination of large and small type for older. We found, however, that it flows just as well and the little ones were still able to comprehend as we read the whole.

We read the entwining the story of the Mayflower with stories of the upbringing of William Bradford, the building of his faith, the realization of the separation that might be necessary as the Church of England became more oppressive, lacking the intimacy and worshipful spirit the people so desired.

Stories of the Plimouth children are rich with original names; Love, Remember, Oceanus, Humility... the difficult life that these people chose so they could worship their Saviour freely was lived out with such deep faith, in covenant with their God.

We are so enjoying reading this book as a family! The days leading up to Thanksgiving can fly by so quickly; we cherish the evenings we can spend together, learning, discussing, humming along with the hymns...

Happy, grateful reading!
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