Friday, May 21, 2010

Did You Know...

... that you can read aloud an entire story from The Frog and Toad Treasury with perfect cadence, a myriad of voices, AND giggling at the funny parts all while daydreaming about the tin cake carrier you saw at the antique store last week and how it would fit just right into the refrigerator during those hot summer months and would be so perfect because you've made a resolution to make more cakes just because they're yummy and it's a rather outdated dessert for weekly baking but you want to try?

I didn't either. But when I finished the story and realized that I didn't remember reading it at all, I looked at their smiling, oblivious faces and realized

it is entirely possible.


(I really don't make a habit of daydreaming while reading aloud, but I am speaking about prayer tomorrow at a Ladies Day and I've been praying for peace as I prepare to leave and step outside of my comfort zone and the fact that I'm thinking about cake carriers while reading a story to the little ones who are laying in various positions on and around me is truly an answer to those prayers!)

(Also, did you know that in order to fully enjoy reading The Frog and Toad Treasury (or any book, for that matter), you simply must point your toes? We do.)

May you have many moments to read, daydream, bake cakes, and point your toes this weekend, dear readers!
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