Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You Do

Do You whisper into their curly ears
And speak gentle words of love?
Do You tell them that I
Turn my face to the sky
For a glimpse of their faces above?

Do You feel their weight upon your knee?
Do You delight in their fragrant kisses?
Do You watch as she dances
And he takes his chances?
Do You laugh at all the near misses?

I just know that he runs wherever he goes
And she flits around room to room.
He steps on tails
And she never fails
To dance, even holding a broom.

Do You keep a close eye wherever he goes?
Do You call him when he’s out of sight?
Do You let him climb trees
And kiss his scraped knees
And always leave on the hall light?

I would have taught him to shy from the shore
But I hope that You teach him to run
Along the white sand
(But still hold Your hand!)
As you both feel the warmth of the sun.

Are You baffled at tears that she drips for no reason?
Do You ask her, or just let her weep?
Does she bury her head
In the crook of Your neck
And sniffle herself right to sleep?

I would have told her to just let it go,
But I hope that You tell her to heal
By sharing her pain
In sunshine and rain
Remind her You designed her to feel.

Do you know that I trust You in all that You do?
I'm taking this chance now to tell
You how much I love You,
And how much I trust You.
I believe that You do all things well.

Kiss them for me, Father, this Thanksgiving Day, and feel the radiance of my trusting smile turned heavenward in gratitude for Your care of my little ones.

22 fellow travelers shared:

Miriam said...

Oh, Elise. Thank you so much for sharing this. How He delights in you and cherishes your heart. Such beautiful dreams... *revelations* of your little ones above. Now I must go and wipe my eyes.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Maxine said...

So beautiful, Elise.
I just came over to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and to tell you I count you as one of my many blessings.

Sarah said...

I am speechless and crying Elise! You put into words what I could not, you painted a picture of my babies that has burrowed them ever deeper into my heart. You have painted a picture of my Father that places me right next to you, hand in hand, beaming up together at Him in thanks and trust friend! I'm so glad I get to walk through this with you my kindred spirit.
All my love, Sarah

Stacy said...

Beautiful, Elise.

Tears are spilling over, here.

(((Love you))),

Quinne said...

Hi Elise :) that spring of joy! the fullness of His love! the "all things" that He does...

Thanks for the encouragement and for the reminder. Love to you, Q

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Sweet Little Girl, I to have children who are in the Lord's care. This poem touched me deeply.

Beverly said...

Oh Elise, this touched me more then I can say. A beautiful remembrance of your children that are in His arms.
Much love.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Elise. That was beautiful! Tears are falling. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement as I have been going through this again. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Give your kids hugs for us. Love you,

Sandy said...

I'm always touched when I visit your site.
Happy Thanksgiving to your beautiful family!

Grafted Branch said...

I'm sorry that you're hurting, Elise. I'm happy that you're reveling in the trust you have for the One Who doeth all things well.

Only in Jesus can those two realities live together...only in Him.

A blessed Thanksgiving, Friend.

Tracy said...

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I can only echo what others said, "Beautiful." Thanks for always sharing yourself and your writing so freely here. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

The Daileys said...

Sitting here this eveing as my children watch a movie and I wait for the rolls to rise I am browsing blogs from the family friendly blogroll posted on my blog and came across yours. May I just say how delightfully peaceful and drenched with the knowledge that you are blessed to be held by our heavenly father your blog is???? What a joy to read lines so steeped in the trust that you have come to know. Thank you for sharing your heart and for the refreshing a visitor might find among your words. You are truly gifted in your use of words and they so glorify God in revealing the glints of light in the gifts he places in your life. Thank you.

Rebekah said...

Elise, how lovely. What a precious moment to stop and remember our sweet babies that we are presently separated from...but, only for a time.

Thank you and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Amy... said...

I'm so happy to read some of your words again, Elise! This is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart on here. I know it helps so many,

Katie Eagy said...

Wow, Elise - I love your heart! Thanks for sharing this. What an amazing picture of the Almighty Father who watches over ALL His children - those already with him and those who will be there one day.

Have fun with your family (Dana told me they were visiting - what a treat!) and a blessed Thanksgiving!

Beka said...

All I can say is, that was so precious and so very touching.
Thank you for sharing those sweet words.

I miss them so much it aches, my precious little ones, but I am thankful today that they know more joy than I will ever be able to imagine in this life.

Love and hugs to you. Hope you had a blessed day, as you are a blessing to so many.

Queenheroical said...

... thank you ... to know my Jordan has such great friends to keep him company ... an added blessing far and above my wildest hopes and prayers ... besides frolicing with God --that is :)

such beauty Elise ... again thank you for being such a faithful servant of God.

Mindy said...

Beautiful, just like you!

I am about to write a Christmas post and I would love your opinions.

Missing you!

Anonymous said...

Elise, what a beautiful post! I have lost four babies and you have
described the cries of my heart.
I wept as I read your words. Thank
you for sharing your precious
thought with us.
In Christ, Michelle

Tammy said...

Very Sweet!

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Thank you for this,Elise. It was beautiful.

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