Saturday, June 13, 2009

you know you're really in love when...

...after the children go to bed you spend the few moments you have alone together cleaning out the minivan and when you find a nearly empty bag of orange milano cookies you share the last two and a kiss and then he says oh, great, this can be the trash bag now, thanks! and you finish cleaning and that's the end of the date.

And it's still just as sweet as fondue by candlelight when you first met.

12 fellow travelers shared:

Bekki said...

LOVE it.

CB said...

So sweet:)

Deb said...

I know what you mean, Elise...I much prefer orange milano over fondue anyway! :) Hey wait...but I prefer candlelight over cleaning! But whatever it is, if it's with the one you love, it's sweet.

Kristin said...

Cute! Life and love when you have kids changes things, doesn't it?

Mercy said...

and then one day, the kids are grown, and they move away, and we start having friday night dates, which consist of sushi and a movie at home, and he turns to me and says "in case i haven't told you lately, i'm still madly in love with you."

yes, life is sweet with the one you love.

Madeleine said... very, very true...

And very,very good. :)

I LOVE Dino! We have all his tuff. My kids have grown up with him and sing along to almost everything.

It was fun to pop in here and hear him. :)

Clarissa said...

So sweet!

Even a trip to Lowe's is a date if you are with your man! We try to make the most of every opportunity. I'm so blessed that my husband is still my best friend and that I am still so much in love with him!

Stacey said...


loved, loved chatting with you the other day. can't wait to do it again soon when I am less needy!! LOL!

this post reminds me of something you said to me that afternoon: it is what you make it.

orange milano cookies over a minivan seat were only romantic and delightful because you made it so.


Christine said...

You know you're really in love spend a few minutes before bed outside on the porch chatting while watching fireflies...and you're covered by a dora blanket and your hubby is covered by a pink princess blanket...and neither of you think anything's weird about that.

Love this seems like it could be a weekly meme...

Beverly said...

love this, friend!

tonia said...


it's so true. we moon around in the grocery aisles, pretend we're going to go "work" and sneak kisses in the kitchen...good times.

we're at the point now that i'm starting to see the days ahead when it is just us. oooh!!! i'm so excited!! (when i'm not being sad about the kids being gone, that is.)

Cindi said...

Ah, you make me smile.

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