Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Story Blanket (Part I)

The birthday girl: Eliana

Eliana's favorite past time: Story-telling and reading

Favorite stories: Fairy tales

Favorite fairy tales: Princess ones

The twentieth of December is coming quicker than I ever dreamed it would back when I purchased these vintage fairy tale panels in July. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I clicked on the "Purchase" button so uncharacteristically fast that I knew something wonderful was going to materialize.

The idea for a Story Blanket came alive as I carefully cut around each scene in the panel, envisioning strips of complementary fabric lining them in a sort of quilt-like fashion, with a cozy, fluffy chenille backing. My sister, Maddie, and I took my mission to the fabric store and I tell you, when we found the black-patterned fabric with the mustard-gold and red wreaths... well, I think the entire store heard our gasps and squeals of delight.

So, the plan is this: to piece the panels together with frames of the two gold fabrics, then take the final piece and outline it with the black background fabric, and back it all with the furry brown chenille, zig-zag stitching the outside edges and perhaps running some red yarn through to tie at the corner of each panel.

And the plan after that? To read as much as we can, just so the Story Blanket can be unfolded and admired as it wraps around little shoulders, or holds long, sprawling limbs as imaginations soar.

I better get busy. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family Tradition: Placeholder Turkeys

The day before the day before...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

{this moment}

Linking this week's (rocket for G) moment to Soulemama.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nature Swap Delights

The beautiful handiwork of this year's autumn nature craft swap...

Fruits of the spirit twig coasters

Autumn leaves votive

Autumn leaves batik banner

Mulling spices and cinnamon applesauce ornaments

Melted crayon "stained glass" autumn leaves

Pieces of the hearts of friends and their families... we are so grateful.

Friday, November 11, 2011

{this moment}

Linking this week's (prayer hug) moment to Soulemama.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Notes to Soul

I'm a word girl.

And a Word girl.

I need them ever in front of me; words of truth, words of delight, words of encouragement...

They're scattered around my home, words and the Word. On the windowsill above the kitchen sink sits an acrylic stand holding my worn little Bible, currently open to Philippians, with a copy of these words slipped behind for added inspiration. Sometimes, the only moments I am still are with my hands plunged deep into sudsy water, hence the words of reminder to the left of the sink...

Flanking my piano are brilliantly colored words that make me smile, and remind me to take joy. Slipped between the frame and mirror in our bathroom are these words, taking up a third of the mirror where I glance every morning...

A basket of words by my precious peace retreat, words AND the Word, and I'm feasting before the day begins...

So I knew when Ann began offering notes to soul, word strengtheners, she called them, as a free printable, life-giving quotes and words and Words from her beautiful book, One Thousand Gifts, I knew I needed those words ever before me as well.

This afternoon, Eliana and I found some crafting time, and inspired by a picture I saw on this post months ago at sweet, creative Aimee's, I found a way to see Ann's words daily, to change them in and out with the seasons and the moods and the struggles and the joy...

Because the Word in our words might just change our world, Ann says.

I know it's changed mine.

Halloween Candy: A Cautionary Tale

I wonder exactly how long I will get away with telling my toddler (who is fascinated by both the bulge of my cheek and the butterscotch-y scent wafting from my mouth as I tie his shoes) that Mama is merely sucking on some medicine, and when he shouts, Want some med-sin, too, Mama! I have some, too?, how long I'll actually get away with wrinkling up my nose and pursing my lips and saying, It's yucky!

I hope at least till the candy bowl is empty.

~Wink wink.~

(Never fear. Little Man gets his share of candy- all my children do. Sometimes, though, Mama needs to pop a piece in secret to sweeten the next few moments... you understand, don't you?)

Monday, November 07, 2011

Children's Book Monday

Have just a few moments this morning, but I was reminded this week about another book that fits the fall theme so very well, and wanted to share it with you as these fall days grow shorter and colder! After rooting through several bookshelves full of children's books, I found it, and placed it in it's proper home- our fall book basket.

Ox-Cart Man
by Donald Hall
illustrated by Barbara Cooney

A story of the hard (and rewarding!) work of preparing, the colors alone of Ox-Cart Man evoke the warmth of autumn hearth and winter fires.

A family knits and whittles, plants and harvests, all the way through every season, in preparation for Father's long trip to town to sell. What he purchases with a tiny portion of the money directly contributes to their work for the next trip to town, and the beautiful cycle continues. Self-sustenance, gratitude, being careful of waste, and wise use of time are just some of the wonderful lessons to be learned in this book.

Of course, we love Barbara Cooney's work, and this book has the same excellent quality that invites close examination before we turn each page... I love to see little heads lean closer as they sense my fingers on the corner of the page, and they look and look and exclaim and point...

Happy Reading!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

{this moment}

Linking this week's (pure joy) moment to Soulemama.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The Invitation {revisited}

Lord, please be with us today-
Bless our school in every way.
We promise to listen to
Everything You say!

Help us as we learn new things,
Guide us as we count and sing.
When Mama speaks, we'll be meek
To honor You, our King!

Lord, we want to learn and grow,
Because You gave us minds, and so
We'll begin following
The way that we should go!

Almost four years ago, I scribbled some words on a scrap of paper, set them to a simple tune, and taught The Invitation to my children.

My heart's desire was to teach them to see the Lord as our Help in all things; my early morning prayers at that time had been cries for guidance and inspiration as I dealt with almost-two-year-old Eliana's toddler antics during school hours. Why not lead my children in a request for the Presence at "break of school day"?

Years later, we still begin Circle Time (or Grove Tending, here at Sapling Academy) with an invitation; legs are longer, voices are deeper (!), and now there are four. Wonderfully enough, if I don't start singing as we sit down cross-legged on the floor, someone invariably will.

We're so thankful that He always responds.

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